The Governing Body

The Governing Body

The Governing Body of The Children’s Hospital School is representative of a wide range of very committed personnel, who give freely of their time and expertise.

“Governors have a better understanding of school provision through an increase in focus visits linked to school improvement priorities, which has led to effective challenge of leaders”

(Challenge Partners QA Review – April 2023)

GovernorType of AppointmentDate of AppointmentTerm of OfficePeriod of office expiringSub-Committee Membership
Stephen Deadman Executive Headteacher01/01/2015N/AN/ABoth
Lynne Folwell (Chair)Co-opted18/09/20234 years17/09/2027Both
Nikki IgoeStaff02/09/20214 years01/09/2025Curriculum & Standards
Christina SullivanFoundation28/11/20224 years27/11/2026Curriculum & Standards
Jill TownsendParent08/11/20224 years08/11/2026Curriculum & Standards (Chair)
Tracey LawrenceLA23/06/20214 years22/06/2025Finance, Personnel & Premises
Jo ParfittCo-opted23/11/20224 years22/11/2026Curriculum & Standards
Bryan FreemanCo-opted21/06/20234 years20/06/2027Finance, Personnel & Premises (Chair)
Raj Gill-HarrisonParent21/06/20234 years20/06/2027Curriculum & Standards
Clerk to the GovernorsKathryn Smith
Safeguarding GovernorLynne Folwell
Health and Safety GovernorLynne Folwell
Child Looked After GovernorJill Townsend
Anti-bullying GovernorLynne Folwell
Willow Bank Link GovernorChris Sullivan
Leicester Royal Infirmary Link GovernorTracey Lawrence
The Beacon Link GovernorLynne Folwell
Finance Link GovernorBryan Freeman
Pupil Premium GovernorJill Townsend
SEND GovernorNikki Igoe
Magpie Learning Centre Link GovernorBryan Freeman
Creativity GovernorNikki Igoe
STEM GovernorJo Parfitt
Phoenix Learning CentreVacancy