Careers Guidance

The Children’s Hospital School aim to build a world class careers system that will help young people choose the career that is right for them. To achieve this aim, our careers strategy sets out to develop and improve their careers provision for the children we teach reflecting on the Gatsby Benchmarks. CHS uses Compass+ as an online self-evaluation tool for school to assess how our careers support compares against the Gatsby Benchmarks and the national average. CHS recognise the importance of having careers advice and preparing all students for their next steps. To support students and help them make informed choices about their career paths CHS have a Service Level Agreement with Connexions.

“Careers information, advice and guidance is well considered to meet the needs of the individuals at all four provisions. Targeted work experience is provided for all, where health allows which has helped to gain more successful transitions”

(Challenge Partners QA Review – April 2023)

Those involved:

James Stafford         Assistant Headteacher and Careers Leader

Gemma Martin         Learning Mentor and Work Experience Coordinator

Lynne Miller             Connexions Advisor

Vicky Gutteridge       Enterprise Advisor

Hollie Gallantree       Enterprise Coordinator

Telephone 0116 229 8137


Download CHS Policy and documents below:

If you are an employer and can support our students and school with our Careers programme we offer, please see details within the Provider Access Policy of how to get in touch.

Business Partnerships

We are always looking for ways to provide our students with real life experience of the workplace and opportunities for vocational training and apprenticeships. If you are responsible for or employed at a business which is looking to develop links with local schools, please get in touch with James Stafford to discuss this further.


Our students transition successfully on to a number of Post 16 providers across the city and county. You may find it useful to have a look at the website of the provider of where students have previously moved on to after Willow Bank School or The Beacon. They have open days or visits to look at the site and courses they offer. You can get in touch with them to make arrangements to visit.

Special Photo

ALP Leicester

ASPIRE: Lifeskills

SMB College Group

Gateway College

Leicester College

Loughborough College

North Warwickshire and South Leicestershire College

Trans4m Training Centre

Wyggeston & Queen Elizabeth I College

Youth Education Project

Labour Market Information 


Labour Market Information (LMI) are facts about current and future job trends. The information within the World of Work Leicestershire booklet provides details of local and regional information. It can be used to inform and support career decisions.

It provides and up to date overview of what is happening in the labour mark in Leicester and Leicestershire including:

  • What job opportunities are available
  • The jobs that will be in demand in the future
  • What qualifications and skills will be needed
  • How to prepare for an ever changing job market


LLEP World of Work Guide 2023-2024


1. A stable careers programme Connexions
PSHE – Living in the Wider World
(The Beacon – Careers Programme)
 2. Learning from career and labour
market information
PSHE – Living in the Wider World
3. Addressing the needs of each
Connexions meetings 1-1 for students in Year 11 and individual action plans created
(The Beacon – Careers Programme)
Support for all learners with college, apprenticeship and traineeship placements
CV support for all Year 11 students with Connexions
Travel route support: Home to college and college to home
4. Linking curriculum learning
to careers
Career based assemblies at WBS for all students
PSHE – Living in the Wider World
(The Beacon – Careers Programme)
5. Encounters with employers
and employees
Enterprise week at WBS
Work Experience is offered to all Year 11 Students
Employer based assemblies
Enterprise Advisor
LLEP (Careers and Enterprise Company)
(The Beacon – Careers Programme)
6. Experiences of workplaces Work Experience (one week)
Extended Work Experience Placements
(The Beacon – Careers Programme)
7. Encounters with further and
higher education
College Fair at WBS: All colleges and local higher education establishments represented
Taster sessions with CHS staff or Connexions Advisor
College visits
Travel training
(The Beacon – Careers Programme)
8. Personal guidance Connexions: 1 -1 and group support
Connexions: Open door policy for all students
PSHE – Living in the Wider World
Personal Development sessions
Year 11 interview support and mock interview with personalised feedback
Tutor support for applications
(The Beacon – Careers Programme)

How we measure and assess the impact of our careers programme on pupils

  • Student voice (carried out termly)
  • Base meetings
  • Year 11 destinations report
  • Discharge data for students at The Beacon
  • Connexions end of year report
  • Careers programme engagement tracker
  • Transitions Tracking: All Year 11 leavers are monitored and tracked in September, October and January by CHS and Connexion Advisor. This data is stored on SIMS.
  • Year 11 leavers attending college: Students are tracked for three points from the first day of their course
  • Leicester City students remain on Connexions case load until their 20th Birthday
  • Leicestershire County students: Leicestershire County Careers Advisers: 0116 3056620

This information is reviewed and updated annually.