
At the Leicester Royal Infirmary, we aim to engage inpatients of school age in learning whilst they are in hospital.  Our key aim is to minimise the impact of their stay in hospital on their education and wellbeing, allowing them to keep up to date with their classmates and the learning that they are missing out on in school. Most children are taught on a one-to-one basis due to medical needs.  This enables us to develop personalised programmes for each child, helping us to meet each child’s individual academic and emotional needs.

“At the LRI, staff are adept at ensuring plans are put in place rapidly to support their education provision. The learning journeys are highly effective in demonstrating personalised learning, supporting with transition and capturing the rich curriculum across all key stages” (Challenge Partners QA Review – April 2023)


At Leicester Royal Infirmary, the Children’s Hospital School provides education across nine children’s wards. The average length of stay is less than one week, however there are a number of children who stay for significantly longer, or are regularly admitted for treatment.

The education team at the LRI provide education for children aged 4-16, and occasionally supporting post 16s also.

The education team work closely with the child’s own school to plan an appropriate curriculum which meets the child’s academic and current health needs.

Education is available to students a few days after their admission, provided they are well enough. The education team liaise with parents and medical staff to devise an offer which is suitable. Currently we are able to offer up to 10 hours of education per week, taught on a 1:1 basis.


We are delighted with the feedback from our most recent (June 2017) Ofsted inspection:

‘Pupils benefit from far-reaching and highly effective personal support. It greatly improves their ability to gain access to learning. Strategies to support pupils are personalised and allow them to learn at the right pace in relation to their health. Pupils appreciate the extra help. One pupil said, ‘This school really makes a difference.’

Children’s Hospital School University Hospitals of Leicester – NHS Trust Leicester Royal Infirmary – Leicester LE1 5WW
Tel: 0116 497 9993