Information for parents and carers


When a young person is admitted to The Beacon they have the opportunity to attend our education provision once they are well enough to do so. Students may work on academic tasks or alternative activities as deemed appropriate by the team. There is a timetable in place which includes four education sessions each weekday.

Staff from the education team will make contact with the young person’s on roll school or college, in order to keep them updated and to request further information including any work that they might be missing.

Once the young person is deemed well enough KS3 and KS4 students will follow a core curriculum programme of English, Maths and Science, alongside PSHE, Art and Enrichment activities.

KS5 students will be encouraged to follow work from their own college, or if the young person is a NEET student we offer support with Functional Skills English, Maths  and AQA unit awards.

Education staff will also keep you updated with your young persons progress through the weekly ward round and regular CPA meetings.

As we move towards discharge we work closely with the young people, schools, and parents to support reintegration back in to their own school

“Excellent communication and understanding approach – I feel sure it was the key to her recovery.” Feedback from a parent/carer about the support given to their young person  by the education team.



If you were to find that you are unhappy with some aspect of the School and your complaint cannot be dealt with by The Beacon Head of School, complaints should be addressed to the Head Teacher in the first instance. For the full complaints procedure and copies of any other school policies please see the schools web site for further information.