Information for Pupils and Parents
We understand that being in hospital can be a difficult, and possibly upsetting, time. We hope to make school in the LRI welcoming and enjoyable for you.
When you are admitted to hospital one of our staff will come and say ‘hello’. If you are staying in hospital, and are well enough to access school, we will contact your own school and ask for information about what you should be learning. You can help us by bringing work from home, telling us what courses you are following and who the best people are for us to talk to at your school.
You will be offered 1 or 2 school sessions per day, depending upon your treatment and how well you feel.
If you are worried that you are missing an important piece of work by being in hospital, such as a piece of coursework, please tell us- we may be able to help you complete it.
Pupils are offered packs of age appropriate learning activities to complete during their stay. These are not compulsory but can complement the lessons that we provide or be an alternative to face to face lessons if that is more suitable for short term admissions.
We open the classroom to group drop in sessions for Primary aged students when possible. There are a number of activities on offer and a member of staff to support the children with these activities. All children must be signed in by a parent and signed out again for these sessions.
Once discharged, a letter is sent to the home school, informing them of the student’s attendance at hospital school. Work completed is taken home. If a student is with us and taught for 10 or more sessions, they receive a progress report that is sent to their home address when they are discharged or at the end of a term
What we expect from our pupils | How parents can help | What you can expect from us |
Try your best during lessons | Complete paperwork promptly so that we can teach your child. | We will make your lessons as interesting as varied as we can, allowing for your medical needs. |
Tell the education staff if you have a problem which stops you being able to learn. | Encourage your child to engage positively with his / her school sessions. | We will liaise with your school to plan a programme for you which matches your own school work, where it is appropriate to. |
If you have work from home, bring it to hospital with you and share it with education staff. | Keep the education staff aware of any issues which would affect their learning. | We will support you in completing work set to the best of your ability. |
Please support us in getting schoolwork from your child’s school quickly. | We want you to enjoy school whilst in hospital and to go back to school having kept up with your classmates. |
We love to share the work that the children have completed on Twitter. If you are happy for us to use your child’s face, please make sure that the photo permissions form has been filled in.
Please make sure that you follow us on Twitter for all of the latest updates and to see pictures of what the children have been up to. @LRIschool
The following form must be completed by an adult with parental responsibility before we are able to teach a student.
Children’s Hospital School University Hospitals of Leicester – NHS Trust Leicester Royal Infirmary – Leicester LE1 5WW
Tel: 0116 497 9993