Information for Students


Willow Bank is a small school and we provide an education for students who are not able to attend their usual school through ill health. Our aim is to provide a good school experience with a quality education and exciting opportunities to enable you to build your knowledge, skills and resilience so that you are better equipped to enjoy learning and life.

All students receive a warm welcome and have not one but two tutors! This is so that we can look after all your needs, in the classroom and around the school. We work closely with families and medical professionals so that we can be sure to provide the best support for each of you.


We have small teaching groups and every student has a timetable that is personalised. Some attend for a small number of hours and others have a full timetable. Some students will split their time between Willow Bank and their own school. We will try to find a way to maximize everyone’s potential while giving all the support that is needed.

Timetables are displayed around the school and an example pdf copy can be downloaded here

Daily Schedule

Breakfast available from when students arrive in school after 8.45am.

Uplift / breakfast9.00am9.30am
Lesson 19.30am10.20am
Lesson 210.20am11.10am
Lesson 311.30am12.20pm
Personal Development12.20pm12.50pm
Lesson 41.30pm2.20pm
Lesson 52.20pm3.10pm


Breakfast club runs every morning. We understand that it is not always possible to find time to have something to eat before you leave the house in the morning and being hungry can make it hard to concentrate in your lessons. All students are welcome to breakfast and a drink each morning.

Morning break lasts 20 minutes and students are welcome to have snacks and home-baked items from the kitchen or to bring snacks and drinks from home.

Lunch time is 40 minutes long. Students are welcome to bring a packed lunch or can order a school meal from the kitchen in the morning before lessons begin. The kitchen offers a Hot and cold meals. All our food is freshly prepared each day.

Current menus, and further details about catering at Willow Bank School can be found at Food at Willow Bank

Fruit and water are always available to all.


Students are taught in small groups with others of a similar age. We offer a broad and balanced curriculum to all which may include English, Maths, Science, Computing, Art, PE, RE, Film Studies, Health and Social Care and PSHE. In our personal development slots we deliver Citizenship, Relationships and Sex Education, Duke of Edinburgh Award and RE.

For all the students the curriculum is delivered in small groups in a nurturing environment. Learning is supported by a strong pastoral element in the school and an active system of home visits and tutorials. Some students may have lessons within the school’s learning suite where 1:1 lessons and small group work is facilitated. This are used to provide extra support in addition to work within the usual classes.

Students leave Willow Bank with a range of qualifications including GCSE, Level 1 and 2 Functional Skills and/or Entry Level.


Students in Year 11 undertake a period of work experience in the autumn term, with some continuing to complete an extended placement. In addition, year 11 students are taught important employability skills through personal development.

We have a careers advisor linked to the school from Connexions who provides individual support for students when making choices regarding their transition after Year 11.


We offer a range of extra-curricular activities and clubs during the school year which include cooking, music, knitting and gardening. In the past we have organised other activities such as canoeing, drumming and dance.

Each year we offer trips and residentials and our students have been to Edale, London and  Warwick Castle in the last year.

Throughout the year we have enrichment events where we focus on something a bit different. These include Arts, Science, Team-building and Community work. We regularly have visits from others who are able to run poetry days, theatre productions and sports events. Students are encouraged to suggest ideas for extra-curricular activities they would like to see.


Making new friends can be nerve-wracking and is often the biggest worry for new students. However, we have friendly staff and students to make it easier for you in your first few weeks with us. Willow Bank regularly takes new students so we are used to having new faces around the school. You may not be the only new student starting on that day.

All our students have come from a mainstream school for a number of reasons, but this means that every student understands how nervous you might feel on the first few days. The school is small so you will become familiar with others very quickly. You may even share transport with other students so it won’t be long before you make friends.

Some students here may be anxious about talking to new people so you might find you are as nervous as each other! A smile and a ‘hello’ may be all you need to do to break the ice, and working alongside each other in small groups will help to cement your new friendships in a remarkably short time.


The heart of Willow Bank School is the Hub where students gather before and after school, as well as at break and lunch times. There are opportunities to sit and chat, read, eat your food or play a game of pool and table football!


We have three dogs at Willow Bank School




Issy loves to be warm and have cuddles and she snores when she sleeps. Tally likes to be active and to go for walks. Sid is the youngest member of the team.

Dogs are around the school at social times, in meeting and sometimes in lessons. They go to staff meetings too.


If you need to bring any medication into school, they will need to be locked away for safety reasons. There is also a form that your parent / carer will need to sign. Please speak with reception or a member of staff for more information. Please do not share medicines with other students, whether or not they are prescribed by a doctor.


Some students may be transported to school by taxi. If this is the case, you will soon get to recognise your taxi driver and get to know the other students who travel with you. When you arrive or leave, we ask you to sign in or out. The taxis use the drop off / pick up point right outside the Hub door and staff are on hand to greet the taxis and make sure everyone one is collected at the end of their school day.


New Student Group runs for around four weeks with students attending for two session a week. During this time you will be assessed for:

  • Academic skills in curriculum subjects
  • Strengths and Difficulties
  • Social skills
  • How you manage the school environment
  • Your ambitions and links with your school

This will help us to define a pathway for you.