Willow Bank school is a school for Key Stage 4 students who are too ill to attend their usual school. Many of our students are supported by CAMHS; all are supported by a consultant.
We provide:
- Small classes
- Personalised timetables
- Close liaison with home, medical professionals and schools
The school offers a temporary place until students can return to their schools or move to a new place of learning.
Students can be referred by schools, health professionals and local authority representatives.
All referrals must include medical evidence that says that the child is currently too ill for school. It is important that we are supporting the plan and treatment that the medical professionals have for a child so we require this information before any referral can be accepted.
So that we can assess whether we can offer support schools are asked to supply information about:
- academic achievement
- how a child manages their school environment
- what support has been offered
- risk-taking behaviour.
Referral Meetings take place every week and all referrals are discussed. Please note that referrals for students living in Leicestershire must be approved by the Medical Needs Officer at the Local Authority before we can before we can take any action.
If we think we may be able to support then we will contact the child’s school to gather more detailed information about the child, including SEN, Exam and safeguarding information. Once this is in place the family will be contacted and we will arrange for them to visit to Willow Bank School, so we can meet the student and family, and to gather more information.
We may contact the medical professionals involved or other people working with the family.
If we think we can support then we will offer an Assessment Place in our New Student Assessment Group.