Information for Pupils and Parents

Our newest provision, set within the historic Atkins Building in Hinckley town centre, provides education for pupils in Years 7-11 who are finding it difficult to access education in their own school due to mental and / or physical health. Pupils follow a timetable comprising both academic and therapeutic elements which is designed to meet their specific needs.

For some children, attendance at school may be impacted by health issues including anxiety and mental health problems. If concerns are not addressed at an early stage, they can affect progress, outcomes and the transition process to secondary school or beyond.

How will pupils get there?
Where possible, we suggest that parents bring the pupils to The Phoenix Learning Centre. We have a later start time to help fit round the school run. If parents are unable to provide transport, then schools will need to make sure that transport arrangements are in place.

Will food be provided?
Breakfast and snacks at break are available to pupils. For lunch, pupils can bring a packed lunch from home or order a hot or cold lunch when they arrive. Fruit and water are available throughout the school day.

Typical Timetable